Monday, January 15, 2018

Final Year Degree Mechanical Engineering UiTM PART 1

Hai  Assalamualaikum,

It's been a while since I blog. I almost forgot that I even have one. So Alhamdullilah I'm 23 this year. And guess what i'm on my final year ! One more semester then i'm done people. I'm gonna graduate and make my family proud. That is what typical people would say but the route is harder for me. I can't be sure that i'm gonna graduate on time. But i hope so. May Allah ease. So let's start from how do i get into Mechanical Engineering?

As my previous course was Foundation in Science UiTM Puncak Alam. So I should be in medical, science, or anything that related to Biology right? But I don`t bihcuz i didn't do well in Biology. That is fine. Fine. Right. So first I was thinking about taking Pure Mathematic which is based in UiTM kelate. I also consider of taking account at unisza. May i wrote informally without the capital or so on? Lemme beh. Then I was even ermm considered taking em dietatik or im not sure bcz i aint familiar with those cos. Well my pointer during Foundation wasn't that bad. cgpa 3.33. But i couldn't do anything related to medical line since my biology is C OR B hahaha. So then i was considering taking Engineering but i know i know i know that was insane that is goin to be fucking hard coz im a woman! So i do some research on that course. I asked few of my cousins. Who also an engineer. Mechanical specifically. They say it was hard. Hard. And hard. So i was like okay. I can do this. Since i know erm i'll be staying in Shah Alam as the main campus was there. What get me more interested was my boyfriend were placed at UiTM Sungai Buloh. He's taking Medical. Yes we can easily meet in KL. and of course we do. But thats only last for 2 years. We broke up when i'm on semester 3. I'll talk about it later on.

So I was excited super excited through out my journey in Mechanical Engineering UiTM. It wasn't that bad well it doesn't until i failed my first paper which is static engineering. I was like what? i never failed a paper and now i did. it was a huge impact for me. I was like what is this. THE FIRST SEMESTER AND IM GOIN CRAZAYH. WHAT THE? My pointer drop to 2.6 something coz i failed one paper damn that is soooooo new. I was like what the hell goin with this course. Is this engineering? I've heard so many people say yes it was hard but i didnt expect that kind of hard where failed paper is a usual condition for student. I've seen a lot of my seniors extend and i even see part 3 student in my class where i am still part 1 so is this normal??? yes it is normal in engineering. But that doesnt mean you can let your guard down.

So i went back gather my courage on semester two with on paper addition since i ve failed that one static. So semester 2 doesn't do much. Everything was okay. I passed all and my pointer increase to 2.9. That was cool right. And zapp to SEMESTER 3. This is where everything start. This is where my turning point is.... talk to you guys later.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The End of Foundation In Science Puncak Alam 2013/2014

Hey Assalamualaikum ,

Been a long time since I didn't write . I miss my blog so much . Lot of things I wanna share with you guys tho I'm not sure is there any people reading my blog but who cares since I just wanna write . So I'm on a long break . 5 month break . Gawddd what am I going to do for 5 month ? Kerja ? Sounds good but em mana ada kerja senang with good payment right ? I just wish I can travel Malaysia with my friends . Wish I had money ! :'( Sobs why bother about money , we can find them but to create a memory worth a time baby and it's a regret if I can't create any sweet memories since I'm still young babe !

So here I'm gonna story about my last last last moment at Palam . The whole story , things that happened in semester 2 .

Ehem Bismillahirahminarahim...

Since I've broke up okay not broke up , end of friendship with someone I used to love so much for 3 years , I was in pain not so called pain . But then I've come to Palam with a great determination yo ! I refused to remember about my past , how was it end doesn't really matter because I know he's happy without me . As usual . Doesn't matter who leave first , even if I leave first , it's me who feel the pain . So okay stop about that hamba Allah . We shall proceed about my life in Puncak Alam . I was grateful to have friends such Ainal, Marliana and Farhah . They give me a lot . Thought me everything in life . Being with me when I'm down . How I miss them hm .

And also I meet someone I'm sure I wanna get married with . InsyaAllah . I finally found someone who make forget my past . Thank you Allah for letting such an awesome people comin into my life . He taught me everything . When I was about to fall , he catch me . When I'm broke , he shed my tears . When I'm down , he lift me up . Ya Allah , it is true when something good went over , something better come along . Alhamdullilah with this friendship . Pray for us that in the end this nothing friendship gonna turn into something . Bless me Ya Allah .

Good Day everyone .

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Result Final Sem 1

Assalamualaikum , 

Heh , hari ni dah 5 November . Maknanya aku ada lebih kurang 20 hari cuti . Cepatnya masa berlalu .Rasa baru je habis final exam . Cerita Korea banyak lagi tak khatam . Tak guna ! Tapi tak sabar nak start Sem 2. Rindu Palam pun ada . Rindu classmate . Rindu #gengpalam. 

Oh,lupa tengah kecoh pasal result final hari tu . 1 November dapat result . 31 Oct malam tu ada ura ura yang dapat email awal sebab pointer cun . Tunglah tunglah . Aku lek je tunggu depan laptop sambil tengok runningman .

Pukul 10 ,tengok tweet 'Alhamdullilah' . Zappp , dah dapat ke korang email ? Aku lek je refresh email , k tak ada lagi . Tup tup kul 12 , refresh refresh refresh ! Tak ada jugak . Melampau ! Then decide nak tidur ,tengok esok ah kul 9.00 a.m . Kahkah macam boleh tidur je kan . Buat notification kat phone kalau kalau email masuk . Dalam gelap tu tutup mata tapi tak dapat tidur .Last pukul 12.55 a.m refresh email ,

Zapppp !

UiTM .

No Id , scroll bawah


scroll lagi






sampai pukul 4 aku meroyan kat twitter 

Sedih punya pasal . Sedih yang teramat sangat .Bukan tak pernah aku tak dapat yang aku target . Tapi kali ni lain macam . Perasaan sedih ngilu kecewa tu rasa macam lain gila dengan kecewa dekat sekolah .1 hari aku meroyan tau . 1 November tu hari meroyan sedunia lah ! Dah lepas lepas meroyan . Aku munasabah diri . Tapi still aku tak dapat cari apa salah aku . Kat mana silap aku ? Kenapa aku tak dapat nih ? Kenapa ? Kenapa ? Kenapa ? Kenapa aku ? *nangis lagi*

Orang cakap aku kena bersyukur , Ye aku bersyukur . Tu lain kira bersyukur ke tak , Cuma aku musabah diri aku kenapa aku tak dapat sekian sekian ? Sebab aku rasa bukan rasa lah ! Sebab aku usaha gila gila gila gila gila gila gila . Tak pernah sepanjang aku hidup 18 tahun ni usaha aku macam ni . Ye lah mungkin orang lain pun usaha lagi kuat . Tapi lantak lah ni pasal aku , usaha kuat aku tu mungkin tak sekuat orang lain , tapi ni the best yang aku buat tau ! Bayangkan ! tak boleh bayang kot .Orang yang nampak aku usaha je boleh rasa pedih aku ni . 

Dan orang yang tak nampak akan cakap '' terima je lah , bersyukur ''

Sedih betul . Sebab diorang tak faham . EH bukan diorang . Dia .

Sumpah sentap gila dengan dia , betul dia dah bagi ayat dekat aku 'terima je , usaha dah , bersyukurlah , tengok orang lain yang lagi teruk' 

Kadang kadang dalam hidup ni , bila aku pilih orang tu untuk aku luahkan masalah maknanya aku betul-betul percayakan dia . Betul-betul percayakan dia . Betul-betul percayakan dia . Aku tak harapkan dia bagi nasihat ke apa . Cukuplah jadi pendengar aku . Tak perlu nasihat semua tu . Tak perlu selesaikan masalah aku . Kalau dia dengar pun dah cukup . A good listener will dissapeared the pain I've feel .Even mak aku sendiri aku tak bagitahu yang aku kecewa dengan result aku .Tapi bila aku bagitahu dia , entah ....... then dia ignore aku for one day . Sumpah rasa makin teruk . Tengok whatsapp dia online . Aku tunggu dia tegur aku . Tak . Then biarlah aku decide nak sedih sensorang . Kalau apa apa yang jadi lepas ni pun aku decide biar aku tahu sensorang . Sumpah weh saat aku perlukan seseorang , ye memang dia ada awal awal ,lepas tu dia ignore aku sebab katanya aku frust sangat , kena bagi masa . Hahaha kelakarkan ? Bukan nak call ke apa , boleh gak aku nangis dalam phone . hehe . Tapi biarlah . Tipulah tak sedih . Makin bertambah sedih pulak tuh . 

Yelah salah aku kot yang sensitif sangat . Tak kira lah . Tapi tu hak aku untuk mengadu dan hak dia untuk mendengar . Tapi dia memilih untuk ignore . Dan aku memilih untuk pendam.

Next sem aku nak study lebih gila , dan taknak target tinggi2 , biarlah Allah yang ukur usaha aku dan bagi balasan yang setimpal dengan usaha aku yang gila gila gila .Semoga next sem aku lebih gilaaaaaa ! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Asasi Sains Palam .

Assalamualaikum , tak jawab dosa jawab gatal ? Hm *melayu*

Nak cerita banyak pasal palam ni . Kehidupan baru kat Universiti . Dulu tak sabar nak habis sekolah , sebab nak masuk U . Tapi bila masuk U rindu sekolah . Ingat masuk U boleh enjoy ? Bukan Asasi lah kalau boleh enjoy enjoy .#INIASASILAH ! 

So far kehidupan kat sini hmm agak taf sikit . Lebih teruk dari SPM .Tak sah kalau tak tidur pukul 2 atau 3 pagi . Siapa tidur awal budak genius . Tak payah study pun dah pandai . Macam aku . *muahaha* . Seronok duk sini sebab jumpa kawan yang asal dari semua negeri dan paling penting dapat gang baru . Hihi tapi dari Kelantan juga .Only Kelantanese yang ngam dengan Kelantanese . 

Nah ni antara orang yang dah ada tempat kat hati aku sekarang ni.

Mula mula datang sini sumpah homesick . Tapi tak tunjuk .I macho . Tak nak bagi mama tahu aku rindu dia . Nanti dia perasan . Tapi hari hari bergayut kat phone . Dah rasa macam bercinta dengan ibu sendiri pulak . Hehe .

Macam biasa cara study aku last minute dan main main . Bila nak berubah takthau . Next sem lah . EH stay up sampai 2 pagi pun dikira study main main eh? Dah siapa suruh ponteng kelas -.-'' 

Dekat sini lah aku rasa baru jadi perempuan . Semua benda kena urus sendiri . Tak pernah woi bangun pagi tengok tak ada breakfast atas meja . 17 tahun hidup . Tak pernah :'( Tapi sekarang semua kena buat sendiri . K dah jadi perempuan . Boleh kahwin dah . Tetiba rasa betapa berharganya ibu ni . Hahaha . 

Taktahu kenapa , sejak duduk sini study tu jadi hobi aku .Dan aku suka hobi baru ni :') 

Final Sem 1 . Foundation Science .


Ni baru habis final . Last payyyy perrrr Biology . Pukul 3 pun tak tidur lagi . Terasa nak buat blog . Rindu blog . Dulu tinggalkan blog sebab Twitter . Tapi sekarang rindu blog balik . *kiss blog* Tujuan buat blog sebab .... Entah . Kadang-kadang nak luahkan perasaan tu tak semestinya pada manusia je . Ada cara lain . Contoh macam blog . Aku buat blog mungkin sebab aku dah tak tahu nak mengadu dekat siapa . Ye . Dulu dekat dengan mama . Sekarang dah tak duduk bawah ketiak mama lagi . So nak mengadu dekat siapa ? Dekat Allah dan dekat blog ni . Hehe .

Intro blog ni rasa nak buat panjang panjang macam karangan . Banyak yang nk diluahkan ni . *muntah* Cuti ni je sempat buat blog dan mengarang bagai . Dah start Sem 2 nanti tak sempat punya . So biarkan aku bercerita disini .

Assalamualaikum .

This is my first entry for 2013 . Hey ni dah berapa kali buat belog pun tktahu -.-